The month of April in no particular order:
We found out our new baby is a girl
Isabelle finally got to make the personalized stepping stone Aunt Mary Therese got her for Christmas

smelling honeysuckle on a beautiful morning

Isabelle lost her FIRST tooth! She went to bed the night before with a VERY loose tooth and woke up with it missing. She found it in the middle of her bed.

The girls dyed Easter eggs

Isabelle and Melina with the Easter Bunny at the egg hunt on base

Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday

During all of the Easter excitement, Melina skipped her afternoon nap and thus fell asleep while eating Easter dinner

Isabelle graduated from kindergarten!!

We presented Isabelle with flowers

We celebrated Mom's birthday

We made
orange julius's
Jeff grew in his mustache

Melina turned 21 months old

enjoying afternoon sun at the park on a breezy Sunday afternoon