For the past 2-3 months or so, we've noticed that Isabelle would look at us cross-eyed, usually just the left eye, and would also squint with her left eye when looking at the TV or computer. We took her to the optometrist who said that she is farsighted and that she would benefit from glasses until at least her teenage years when she could possibly outgrow the farsightedness.
Isabelle tended to look at me cross-eyed with her left eye when I was talking to her or scolding her. I told her I felt this was very disrespectful and asked her to stop (she said she could control it, but obviously she couldn't). She would try to stop, but I would continue to see her looking at me that way, so in one of my bad parenting moments (one I'll feel guilty over for the rest of my life), this is how our conversation would usually go:
Marla: Isabelle, stop looking at me cross-eyed when I'm talking to you.
Isabelle: But Mama, I'm not.
Marla: Yes, you are.
Isabelle: I'm not.
Marla: Yes, you are; stop it!! Stop being so disrespectful!!
It turns out that all the poor thing was trying to do when looking at me was focus her eyes since I was a blurry image. Poor thing, I've probably scarred her for life!! :)
Anyway, she is treating the glasses very responsibly and in the last 3 days that she has had the glasses, we haven't noticed her looking cross-eyed to focus anymore.
Isabelle is a doll in her new specs...so much cuter than the ones I wore as a kid.
ReplyDeleteshe looks so sweet! don't worry about the bad parenting moment. God makes kids so resilient!