Over the summer, we found a brochure about the Silver City Ghost Town in Bodfish, which neither one of us have ever heard of. We checked it out yesterday on a beautiful fall Saturday. We first stopped for some lunch:

Then we took the self-guided tour of the town with another "Issy" (the cat) as our guide. The owner explained how the cat got its name: people would always say "
is he yours?"--hence, the name stuck! Melina loved this cat. She chased it around the town, saying "meow" over and over. She loves Taylor our cat too, and does the same thing to her at home. I had to save poor Issy (the cat) and put Melina in the front carrier after awhile.

The town:

Isabelle was so proud of herself--she could read this sign!! While driving through Kernville later on that day, she commented how she couldn't wait to read so that she could read all of the signs. This is really her first excitement towards reading. I am so excited for her!

We were a little disappointed--no ghosts!!
We've been wanting to check this one out too.