1 day old

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

The best words to describe Michaela are happy and patient! She is always full of smiles for anyone and patiently waits for her mama when she is taking care of her sisters. People always comment on what a happy, joyful baby she is, and the next comment is usually how much hair she has (although it is only on top of her head, and after a second glance, it usually is lovingly referred to as a "toupee" or comb-over!"
Michaela is adored by her sisters and doted on immensely. Her Daddy can never go by without swooping her up and placing many, many kisses on her head. She has many nicknames, Kayla Janey, Janey girl, baby Janey, Miss MaKay, MJ, MaKaystinator (Daddy's), carnividon (Daddy's) and so on.
At age 6 months, she can sit up and play. No interest in solid foods yet, but loves mama's milk! She can blow raspberries and make all sorts of noises. She has also noticed Taylor the cat in the last couple of weeks and seems very entranced. We greatly look forward to the next half of our baby girl's first year, and hope that it doesn't go by as fast as the first 6 months!
We love you, baby girl!!
What beautiful 'stages' pics of our ever growing Michaela! I love how you did the photos by age. She is such a happy little one, & ever so cute!
Judy & Harold too
Hooray, you found your blog again, lol! How fun to see how much Michaela has grown & changed...of course as you say its always too fast.