We went to Mammoth the Wednesday after Labor Day and stayed through Sunday. On the way, we stopped in Big Pine and visited with Aunt Mary T. who was visiting Aunt Connie and Uncle Mike. We had a great visit and also got to see Aunt Connie and Uncle Mike's new kitchen--it was beautiful!
We camped above the Owens River and went to sleep each night listening to the tranquil sound of the river. The fishing, in general, was pretty terrible, but the weather was gorgeous and the relaxation was great! We did some more exploring for the lost cement mine, did some hiking with the Pacheco's who camped with us, and overall, had a wonderful time.
We had our trailer in Mammoth for the summer at the Mammoth Mountain RV Park but brought it home this trip. While we'd like to make another camping trip to Tuttle Creek in Lone Pine next month, with the cost of gas and the time and effort needed to get the trailer ready (packing for 2 kids is exhausting!), we will probably just make it a day trip instead.

I am supposed to sleep somewhere in this bed!

On our hike around Convict Lake. Ginger's husband, Donald, took us off the main trail a little, but we saw this beautiful creek above the lake.

Out of the front carrier for a quick rest and snack.

Enjoying some time at the park. While Isabelle pushed Melina, Melina would just laugh and laugh--they both enjoyed it so much!

We explored the Inyo Craters. See the mountain ridge behind us? We were on top of that ridge last month with Uncle Mike looking for the lost cement mine. At that time, I looked down onto the craters we are now in, wondered what it was, so it was fun to be in the area we had so recently viewed from above.

Mammoth...until next summer...