She had her first practice on Thursday the 8th and her first game already this past Saturday. It was pretty comical for the first few minutes of the game as we watched these 5 and 6-year-olds with clearly no idea to what they were doing (as they'd had only one 45-minute practice beforehand). We laughed a lot and cheered the kids on. It was obvious that they were all having fun, and Isabelle certainly doesn't seem to have a problem with being shy and is NOT uncertain when it comes to taking possession of the ball. A girl on the opposite team was trying to make a shot into her team's basket but was wavering back and forth as to what the best position for her to stand in was (I'm guessing); Isabelle was close by, ran right over and swept the ball right out of the girl's hands! Her Daddy was very proud!!
At the end of both practice and the game, she said she loved it and couldn't wait to play more! Great-Grandma Clark would be proud!!
We went to the park Tuesday afternoon. A beautiful yet chilly day. Melina has no fear when it comes to the playground equipment. The girls had been going down a big curly slide over and over. When Melina got to the top and got ready to sit down, she was moving a little too fast and went head first instead. This wouldn't have been a problem; however, Isabelle was coming up the slide at the same time in her bare feet and clocked her just under the eye.
This is a picture the next day; 2 days later it had scabbed up and really looked horrible. Everyone who saw her kept asking what had happened to her eye. By Sunday the scab had fallen off and it was looking much better. It really looked much worse than it actually was.

What kind of expression is this?

We are having absolutely incredible weather right now. This afternoon it was in the 6o's, a sunny, beautiful day, and it is forecast to be the same the rest of the week. We spent lots of time outdoors today and here the girls are enjoying the rest of the afternoon sun and a yummy apple.

I'm surprised this is the first "sibling scar"! Cole is still sporting a scar under his eye where Than's foot connected with his face coming down the slide!