I first remember reading about the Twilight series on my
childhood friend Rachel's blog, quite a long time ago. I quickly said, "well, that's not for me," and that was that. Never even gave it a second thought, until probably a year or two later when I found out that many friends were either reading the series or had finished it. I still didn't think it was for me, but then I would read about it on a favorite blog or hear about it some other way and I began to give it some thought. One day I opened the mail and found $20 that an aunt had sent me with instructions to buy myself something. So, I ran to WalMart and bought the first two books in the series:

I was immediately drawn from page 1 of the first book and was hooked! I couldn't put the book down and finished both books within a matter of days (reading while putting Melina down for a nap and after the girls were in bed). During the day, I was drawn to the books, wanting to abandon motherhood and just read. Somehow I made it through my days though, and read, read, read at night (thankfully this was in the first couple weeks of my pregnancy, so fatigue and nausea hadn't hit yet).
I borrowed book #3 from my friend, Sher, and finished that one also in a couple of days.
I still have #4 to read. It's the last one though--I do WANT to desperately read it; however, I know I'll race through it and be done in a couple of days again, and then it's over...no more. I guess I could do what lots of my friends have done and just read the series over and over, but that doesn't appeal to me at this point.
I have not seen the movie. It is in our Netflix queue, but I tend to be disappointed by movies after I've read the book. Still not sure if I want to watch it yet or not.
So, there you go. If you're looking for something new and exciting to read--this is it! Go get the Twilight series--you won't be sorry!
Way to go girl!!!! Love it! I've never reread a book series before--I've read this one about 5 times, and as far as book to movie attempts, this is one of the better ones. I saw it in the theatre 5 times and have since watched the DVD--still waiting for my personal copy to get here. I will warn you, the first watch you are getting used to the style, but the more you watch it, the better it gets! Nathaniel read the set because he was intrigued by my multiple readings and Nicholas read it after taking him to see the movie. He likes to read, but is slow and gets intimidated by thick books--for him to read all 4 in 3.5 months was a MAJOR accomplishment for him!