Like my pregnancies with both girls, I had lots of nausea that lasted all day with extreme fatigue. Same thing this time around, although the nausea didn't seem quite as severe. I've made it through the worst and at this point am only having nausea for a few hours in the evening, usually after dinner. Thankfully, it should get better from here on. As I usually get on the computer and do any blogging after the girls are in bed, I haven't blogged but one or two times since I found out I was pregnant because I usually go to bed too right after they're asleep. Jeff is outside on a beautiful spring evening with the girls right now so I have a little extra time to show everyone what we've been up to (not much though).
One day when I was getting dressed in the bathroom, Melina found a lipstick that had fallen out of my pants and gladly helped herself:

I can't get enough of these sweet pictures of the girls sleeping together:

Painting with watercolors:

Playing the piano together:

Making Valentines:

Sorting pompoms and putting them in the ice cube trays kept Melina occupied one afternoon while I got dinner ready (Isabelle was at gymnastics and Jeff was bringing her home)

Happy Valentine's Day:

Enjoying a beautiful day:

Enjoying some quiet weekend morning time with Daddy:

Melina wishing she could ride Isabelle's bike:

Both girls are infatuated with ladybugs right now. We've had some very beautiful weather, so they are out in abundance. Isabelle has been catching some each evening and letting them go in the morning. Melina "helps" her.

Also this past week we planted some seeds in our front yard. Wow, LOTS of patience is needed with a 1 and 5 year old. Something I was quite lacking that morning, but we made it through thankfully!

Too funny about the ladybugs...Alijah has been talking about them a lot too (even though we haven't seen many), so he and Isabelle are on the same wavelength. In that picture, Melina looks SO TALL! Good think you're having another baby, cause your baby is looking more like a big girl.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Pics Marla! When Alijah was over for a "playdate" last week w/his Papa & Nana. He went (w/me hobbling still) looking & finding ladybugs, & we also followed an orange butterfly, & then he picked some of the abundance of small yellow daisies, I think they are. It is so good to get out in the fresh air. I have such Cabin Fever right now.