We made
spring trees yesterday. Last fall we made
fall trees that were lots of fun, and I thought the spring trees looked even prettier. Here's how our Monday morning went:

To get the great effect for the tree, you are supposed to blow the paint up your paper with a straw.

I skipped this step with Melina and just gave her the paintbrush.

Isn't it fun? We love it when Alijah makes one for us too. I reminded him the other day after he was showing us his catapillar, made from an egg carton & pipe cleaners, then painted...that Nana & Papa haven't had a new one since "V is for valentine", which is still on the fridge. He also comes in the office where his Thanksgiving turkey is filed, & pulls it out saying "Alija made this turkey"...they are all just tooo cute in all their innocence, awe, @ everything, & so eager to explore & learn!